László Kollar-Klemencz lives in Szentendre. He was born in 1966 in Budapest. He spent most on his childhood in Újhartyán, a village in the Great Hungarian Plain. First he graduated from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics in Engineering in Landscape Management then from the University of Veterinary Medicine in Hippology. He trains horses. He is the singer, songwriter, lyricist of the band Kistehén. He is the guest artist of Budapest Bár and Rájátszás. He is the screenwriter, director of short movies. Writer at one of the most prestigious labels in polite literature. His musical solo career started in 2008.
Fonó Budai Zeneház Nonprofit Kft. / Fonó Music Hall NPO, Ltd.
3 Sztregova u., Budapest, 1116
e-mail: fono@fono.hu
Phone: +36 1 206 5300